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Wunderflats on the go

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Renting out on Wunderflats just became even more effortless. Manage requests, sign contracts, have easy access to tenant’s information - all without having to open your laptop.
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Contract signing
Wunderflats Listings
Wunderflats Listings

Manage booking requests on the go

Be in full control wherever you may be. At a glance, view all your listings, bookings, and requests throughout the day for seamless communications, making managing your apartment a breeze.


Get notified about new requests and updates

Receive instant notifications on your apartment’s activities, so you’re always in the know about new booking requests, updates, and more.

Contract signing

Sign contracts hassle-free

You no longer need to be at your desk to sign contracts. Now, you can review and sign rental agreements directly on your device.

Wunderflats is the best way to rent out your furnished apartment

Verified tenants

We make it easy and convenient to reach thousands of reliable and verified tenants.

Quick and easy process

Our fast and transparent booking processes help you rent out your apartment with ease and in no time.

High occupancy rate

We make sure that your apartment is never empty by advertising it on various platforms including ImmobilienScout24.