What are the costs of renting an apartment through Wunderflats?

Browsing through Wunderflats listings is entirely free. You can explore apartments across all our markets without any charges and request as many apartments as you like. 

In the listing, you'll see all the costs for renting the apartment: 

  • the all-inclusive rent, deposit, and a final cleaning fee (please read below). 
  • Once a landlord accepts your request and you want to proceed the booking, you'll need to pay the Wunderflats Service Fee for tenants. This one-time, upfront fee secures your reservation, ensuring a smooth and efficient process in securing your new apartment. The fee varies depending on the location of the apartment (learn more here). 

Once you and your landlord have confirmed the booking, you will also be required to make the following payment: 

Before moving in (specified in the rental agreement):

  • First month's all-inclusive rent to the landlord
  • Deposit (typically charged by the landlord)
  • Final cleaning fee (typically charged by the landlord) 

Starting from the second month: 

The Helfende Wände refugee housing platform is free, the Wunderflats Service Fee does not apply.